★年末年始休暇のお知らせ。 ★12月30日から1月4日まで年末年休暇を取らせて頂きます。 ★12月29日から1月4日の落札分は1月5日から順次発送させて頂きます。 ★12月28日以前の落札分は12月29日の午前中までに入金の確認が取れない時は1月5日から順次発送させて頂きます。 大変申し訳ございませんがご了承のほど宜しくお願い致します。 ご覧いただきありがとうございます。以下御確認のうえご検討下さい。 ※詳細スペックはメーカーホームページをご確認下さい。 ※バージョンなどは下記のログをご参照下さい。 NEC UNIVERGE IX2215 2台セットです。初期化して発送します。 <簡易クリーニングでの出荷となります。落としきれない汚れや見落としなどは御容赦下さい。 <保証>商品到着後7日間、電源がはいらない場合のみ。その場合は交換(交換機種がない場合は本体価格の返金)に応じます。そのほかノークレーム、ノーリターンでお願い致します。 <付属>ございません。 <発送および送料>本州、四国、九州 北海道 沖縄、離島 佐川急便にて丁寧に梱包して発送致します。 梱包の際はダンボール、緩衝材等はリサイクル品を使用する場合がございます。 直接のお引取りに来られても対応可能です。その場合は簡易梱包でのお渡しとなります。 当方の所在は東京都千代田区です。 ※発送、引取の対応は平日のみとなります。 下記はコンソールでの取得情報です。ご参照下さい。(一部マスキングしてあります) Router(config)# show verNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 10.5.20, RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Oct 14-Thu-2021 18:47:39 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-10.5(20) ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 19.4System Diagnostic, Version 19.1Initialization Program, Version 6.1 System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by command executionSystem started at Oct 27-Wed-2021 12:59:36 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc" Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2215 Hardware Platform S/N: 4X******** ZTP: ZTP ID : 0060********#IX#IX2215#4X******** Status : stopped Next boot mode : normal mode Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR3/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 792/792/396/99 MHz P1010E processor (revision 0x80f90010) 262144K bytes of main memory 1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 32768K bytes of processor flash memory IPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC4.4), revision 0x100 Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet2: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is VSC7424Onboard interface unit BRI0: BRI Transceiver is YTD439 LED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.5 volt line measured at 1.4805V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4570V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2508V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.8620V Status is normal Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 41.0C Status is normal Router(config)# showflash% showflash -- Invalid command.Router(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side, B - Backup-side, N - Newfile, R - Runnable A - Active-file, + - Next-boot, * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status8932129 ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc MA8893958 ix2215-ms-10.4.19.ldc B [17944808 bytes used, 9037786 available, 26982594 total]26368 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Router(config)# show verNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 10.5.20, RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Oct 14-Thu-2021 18:47:39 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-10.5(20) ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 19.4System Diagnostic, Version 19.1Initialization Program, Version 2.1 System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by command executionSystem started at Oct 27-Wed-2021 13:23:20 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc" Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2215 Hardware Platform S/N: 3Y******** ZTP: ZTP ID : 0060********#IX#IX2215#3Y******** Status : stopped Next boot mode : normal mode Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR3/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 792/792/396/99 MHz P1010E processor (revision 0x80f90010) 262144K bytes of main memory 1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 32768K bytes of processor flash memory IPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC4.4), revision 0x100 Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet2: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is VSC7424Onboard interface unit BRI0: BRI Transceiver is YTD439 LED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information: Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.5 volt line measured at 1.4805V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4440V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2508V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.8880V Status is normal Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 38.0C Status is normal Router(config)# shw flash% shw -- Invalid command.Router(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side, B - Backup-side, N - Newfile, R - Runnable A - Active-file, + - Next-boot, * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status8893958 ix2215-ms-10.4.19.ldc B8932129 ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc MA [17944808 bytes used, 9037786 available, 26982594 total]26368 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) ご検討よろしくお願い致します。
ご覧いただきありがとうございます。以下御確認のうえご検討下さい。 ※詳細スペックはメーカーホームページをご確認下さい。
NEC UNIVERGE IX2215 2台セットです。初期化して発送します。
<発送および送料>本州、四国、九州 北海道 沖縄、離島
Router(config)# show verNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 10.5.20, RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Oct 14-Thu-2021 18:47:39 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-10.5(20)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 19.4System Diagnostic, Version 19.1Initialization Program, Version 6.1
System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by command executionSystem started at Oct 27-Wed-2021 12:59:36 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc"
Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2215 Hardware Platform
S/N: 4X********
ZTP: ZTP ID : 0060********#IX#IX2215#4X******** Status : stopped Next boot mode : normal mode
Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR3/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 792/792/396/99 MHz P1010E processor (revision 0x80f90010) 262144K bytes of main memory 1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 32768K bytes of processor flash memory
IPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC4.4), revision 0x100
Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet2: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is VSC7424Onboard interface unit BRI0: BRI Transceiver is YTD439
LED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information:
Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.5 volt line measured at 1.4805V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4570V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2508V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.8620V Status is normal
Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 41.0C Status is normal
Router(config)# showflash% showflash -- Invalid command.Router(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side, B - Backup-side, N - Newfile, R - Runnable A - Active-file, + - Next-boot, * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status8932129 ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc MA8893958 ix2215-ms-10.4.19.ldc B
[17944808 bytes used, 9037786 available, 26982594 total]26368 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Router(config)# show verNEC Portable Internetwork Core Operating System SoftwareIX Series IX2215 (magellan-sec) Software, Version 10.5.20, RELEASE SOFTWARECompiled Oct 14-Thu-2021 18:47:39 JST #2 by sw-build, coregen-10.5(20)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 19.4System Diagnostic, Version 19.1Initialization Program, Version 2.1
System uptime is 0 minuteSystem woke up by reload, caused by command executionSystem started at Oct 27-Wed-2021 13:23:20 JSTSystem image file is "ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc"
Processor board ID IX2215 (P1010E) processor with 262144K bytes of memory.3 GigaEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interfaces1 ISDN Basic Rate interface1 USB interface1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.32768K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)Router(config)# show hardwareIX Series IX2215 Hardware Platform
S/N: 3Y********
ZTP: ZTP ID : 0060********#IX#IX2215#3Y******** Status : stopped Next boot mode : normal mode
Processor board: Processor board ID CPU/DDR3/CSB/LBUS clock frequencies are 792/792/396/99 MHz P1010E processor (revision 0x80f90010) 262144K bytes of main memory 1024K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 32768K bytes of processor flash memory
IPsec accelerator: on board security engine(SEC4.4), revision 0x100
Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet0: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet1: GigaEthernet Transceiver is VSC8552Onboard interface unit GigaEthernet2: GigaEthernet Switch with Transceivers is VSC7424Onboard interface unit BRI0: BRI Transceiver is YTD439
LED information: PWR: On ALM: Off BSY: Off VPN: Off PPP: Off BAK: OffRouter(config)# show environmentSystem hardware information:
Line voltage: 1.0 volt line measured at 0.9870V Status is normal 1.5 volt line measured at 1.4805V Status is normal 2.5 volt line measured at 2.4440V Status is normal 3.3 volt line measured at 3.2508V Status is normal 5.0 volt line measured at 4.8880V Status is normal
Internal temperature: Internal temperature measured at 38.0C Status is normal
Router(config)# shw flash% shw -- Invalid command.Router(config)# show flashCodes: M - Main-side, B - Backup-side, N - Newfile, R - Runnable A - Active-file, + - Next-boot, * - Bootmode-entryLength Name Status8893958 ix2215-ms-10.4.19.ldc B8932129 ix2215-ms-10.5.20.ldc MA
[17944808 bytes used, 9037786 available, 26982594 total]26368 Kbytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)