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VETESA Laptop: Win 11, Intel N3350E8000 CPU, 8GB RAM, 15.6-Inch Full HD, SSD 128GB, Lightweight in Nepal at NPR 1036, Rating: 5 Integrated PC, Windows 11, Office 2019, VETESA 24 Type, Integrated LCD, Desktop PC, CPU: 3rd Generation, Core i7, USB 2.0, WIFI, Japanese Keyboard and Mouse Included, Home Work, Thin Integrated PC : Computers
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New]14.1 inches of VETESA spring of 2020 summer model 14 inches mobile initial setting-free Microsoft Office 2019 Windows 10 high efficiency Intel CPU N3060 WIFI USB3.0 HDMI WEB Camera - BE FORWARD Store
VETESA 14E8 CPU: Celeron N3350 1.1GHz / メモリ:6GB / SSD:64GB / ドライブ:非搭載 / OS:Windows11 Pro 64bit 中古ノートパソコンが激安販売中! 中古パソコン市場
VETESA Laptop: Win 11, Intel N3350E8000 CPU, 8GB RAM, 15.6-Inch Full HD, SSD 128GB, Lightweight in Nepal at NPR 1036, Rating: 5 Integrated PC, Windows 11, Office 2019, VETESA 24 Type, Integrated LCD, Desktop PC, CPU: 3rd Generation, Core i7, USB 2.0, WIFI, Japanese Keyboard and Mouse Included, Home Work, Thin Integrated PC : Computers
VETESA Windows10 19インチ ディスプレイ・モニター本体 VETESTA Laptop Windows 11, MS Office, 14-inch LCD / Webcam With Mic/USB3.0/Mini HDMI/Wi-Fi /Many Terminals/Lightweight, Work From Home, US Keyboard Layout Not Guaranteed (Memory: 6GB/ SSD 64GB) : Computers